Native Android Developer

I designed this webpage as a porfolio to expose some of the projects that I have built for the android platform.

I am a selt-taught android developer with over 3 years of android developement experience.

Popularly used android apps & libraries

A popular android programmable flashlight used by over 20.3k people.

A popular media3 audio player app with over 3K users, that plays audio and shows lyrics.

An amazing android music player app built with Media3.

An app that shows you the daily exchange rates of major banks and money services in Haiti.

CollapsingTopBarCompose library
A Jetpack Compose custom toolbar library.

UIPresenter library
This android library helps to explain to your user, the role of the Views in your Activity or Fragment.

ItemDecorator library
Customizez your RecyclerView, when ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_STATE_SWIPE is triggered.